Keen’s Buildings: Metal Buildings for Farming and Agriculture

Metal Buildings are often preferred to wooden ones for agricultural and farming for many reasons. Steel buildings are very durable and will help protect your farming equipment, livestock, and produce. Selecting the type of structure, you want is just part of the equation, there are still a variety of factors to consider when you are planning to have a metal building built on your property. The first question you’ll need to answer is the purpose of your building. The purpose of the building will help determine other factors, such as the amount of space you need.


 A metal building for equipment storage

Your equipment will last much longer when protected from the elements. Rain, snow, and heat can all damage machinery and other equipment. Furthermore, because you’ll have a single location to keep all of your equipment it will help you stay organized. Space and location are two significant factors for your metal building. You’ll want the building to be far enough away so that your household is not disturbed by the sound of the machinery, but close enough for you to be able to react to theft or tampering attempts. Selecting durable tamper-resistant locks for all entrances into the building has been shown to discourage thievery. You’ll also need to consider the amount of actual storage space you need. A good rule of thumb is to measure out the flooring and build around that. Keep in mind the area you’ll need for maneuvering as well.


A Metal Building for Livestock

When raising livestock, it’s essential to provide a safe and sturdy shelter for them to sleep and seek refuge from the elements. Unlike machinery and equipment living creatures require a bit more planning. Ventilation, space, and temperature control are all crucial to keeping animals safe and healthy. Ample space will reduce the spread of disease and prevent aggressive behavior. Ventilation ducts should be placed on the roof of the building to prevent ice build up on the roof. The size of the structure you have built will depend heavily on the type of livestock you keep.


A Metal Building for Fodder Storage

Keeping fodder for your animals is essential for most farms how the feed is stored can impact the amount of dry matter loss. Hay is a favorite food source for certain livestock. Unfortunately, it can get damp and rot, making the feed unusable in the process. Losing some hay will happen naturally; however, an optimized storage system can significantly reduce the amount of hay you’ll lose. You’ll want to select the materials you choose for your barn carefully. For example, avoid using gravel entirely for your flooring as it traps moisture and can destroy your hay. If possible, try to have a flooring with a slight slope so water that collects can drain. Additionally, a layer of cloth between the floor and hay can absorb some of the moisture that collects.